新會員首次購物尊享絲滑水亮四步曲 (價值HK$189)


Cathay Digital Company Limited經營unifyxp.com,並提供本網站上的服務。

Cathay Digital Company Limited承諾確保閣下的私隱受到保護。如果我們要求閣下提供某些資料,讓閣下在使用本網站時給我們識別到閣下的身分,則閣下可被確保有關資料只會按照此私隱政策予以運用。



• 姓名及稱謂

• 聯絡資料,包括電郵地址、電話、郵寄地址



• 保留內部記錄

• 改進我們的產品及服務


我們或會因應使用目的,向以下各方轉移、分享及 / 或供其存取閣下資料:

a) 我們任何提供以下服務的第三方服務提供者:付款、物流、資訊科技、電話中心、行政或其他支持我們向閣下提供產品及服務的服務;及

b) 信貸資料服務機構,以及信用卡、扣帳卡及 / 或簽帳卡公司及 / 或銀行。

我們或會同時向以下各方轉移、分享及 / 或供其存取閣下資料:

• 歐萊雅香港有限公司 (下稱「歐萊雅」),地址為香港灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心35樓;

• 歐萊雅集團任何其他成員公司或附屬公司 (包括位於香港特別行政區境內或境外的該等公司) (統稱「歐萊雅集團」);及

• 歐萊雅或歐萊雅集團成員任何提供以下服務的第三方服務提供者 (下稱「歐萊雅服務提供者」):資訊科技、研究、市場推廣、電話中心、行政或其他為支持歐萊雅或歐萊雅集團任何成員業務營運的服務;而歐萊雅或會同時因應以下目的把閣下資料轉移至歐萊雅服務提供者:

a) 處理和管理閣下的網上訂單,並就此與閣下聯絡;

b) (視乎閣下有否給予任何書面同意) 作直銷用途;

c) 就閣下查詢KÉRASTASE 產品及 / 或服務事宜與閣下通訊;

d) 為促成上述任何目的而識別和確認身分;

e) 供歐萊雅作內部研究、客戶概況分析及數據分析;及

f) 任何其他直接相關目的。


未經閣下同意,我們不得使用及 / 或轉移閣下資料作直銷用途。倘獲閣下同意,我們或會向歐萊雅、歐萊雅集團任何成員或歐萊雅服務提供者 (下稱「資料受讓人」) 轉移、分享及 / 或供其存取[閣下向我們提供的全名、電話號碼及電郵地址],以供其就 (視乎情況) KÉRASTASE 香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區供應的美容、護膚、化妝、護髮、頭髮造型、香水、香氛、蠟燭、潔手及其他相關產品及服務,經閣下指示的通訊渠道 (例如郵件、電郵、短訊及電話等) 向閣下傳送推廣內容、資訊及最新信息。


a) 按照閣下所收取的市場推廣電郵內的任何取消訂閱指示或點擊當中的超連結;

b) 透過電郵至privacy.corphk@loreal.com與資料受讓人聯絡;或

c) 透過電郵至 customercare.hk@unifyxp.com與我們聯絡。


我們如何運用 cookies








• 閣下填寫網站上的表格時,可不點選有關空格,表示閣下不想資料被用作直接推廣的用途

• 如果閣下先前已經同意我們運用閣下的個人資料作直接推廣用途,閣下仍然可以隨時改變主意,致函或電郵至customercare.hk@unifyxp.com與我們聯絡。





Privacy Policy

Cathay Digital Company Limited operates the unifyxp.com, which provides the services on this website.

Cathay Digital Company Limited is committed to ensure that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using the SERVICE, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy.

What information do we collect?

We may collect the following Personal information:

Full Name and title

Contact information including:

email address

phone number

mailing address

What we do with the information we gather

We require the information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

For internal record keeping.

To improve our products and services.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

For the Use Purposes, we may transfer, grant access and/or share Your Data to:

any of our third-party service provider who provides payment, logistics, IT, call centre, administrative or other services which support our provision of products and services to you; and

credit reference agencies, credit, debit and/or charge card companies and/or banks.

We may also transfer, grant access and/or share Your Data to:

L’Oreal Hong Kong Limited (“L’Oréal”) situated at 35/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong;

any other member of L’Oréal’s group companies or affiliates, whether located within or outside of Hong Kong SAR (together the “L’Oréal Group”), and

any of L’Oréal’s or L’Oréal Group member’s third party service provider who provides IT, research, marketing, call centre, administrative or other services which support the business operation of L’Oréal or any L’Oréal Group member (“L’Oréal Service Providers”), and L’Oréal may also transfer Your Data to L’Oréal Service Providers,

For the following purposes:

fulfilling, managing and contacting you about your online orders;

(subject to any written consent you may give) direct marketing purpose;

communicating with you regarding your enquiries about KÉRASTASE goods and/or services;

identification and verification to facilitate any of the above purposes;

internal research, profiling and analytics by L’Oréal; and

any other directly related purposes.

Use and transfer of your personal data for direct marketing

We cannot use and/or transfer Your Data for direct marketing without your consent. If you opt-in, we may transfer, grant access to, and/or share [your full name, phone number and email address provided to us] with L’Oréal, any L’Oréal Group member or L’Oréal Service Provider (“Transferee”) so that they can send you promotions, news and updates regarding (as the case may be) beauty, skincare, make-up, hair care, hair styling, fragrances, scents, candles, hand wash and related products and services from KÉRASTASE in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR via the communication channels you indicate (e.g. mail, email, SMS, phone call, etc.).

You have the right to request us to cease providing Your Data to the Transferee for direct marketing. If you do not wish to receive marketing communications in the future, you may opt out at any time free of charge by the following applicable means:

a. following any unsubscribe instructions or hyperlink in marketing emails you may receive;

b. contacting the Transferee at privacy.corphk@loreal.com; or

c. contacting us at customercare.hk@unifyxp.com.

For further information on how L’Oréal uses Your Data, please refer to the L’Oréal Privacy Policy & PICS.

How we use cookies

For details, please refer to our Cookies Policy.


To ensure that your information is secure and to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy policy. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used for direct marketing purposes;

If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at customercare.hk@unifyxp.com.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless it is required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting.

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Ordinance. If you would like a copy of the information held on you, please email us at customercare.hk@unifyxp.com.

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page without notice. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are aware of those changes.

In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the English and versions of other languages, the English version shall prevail.